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How Diet, Exercise, and GLP Medications Work Together for Optimal Results Apr 1st, 2025

Achieving a healthy weight and maintaining it can definitely be challenging, and as you age and your metabolism changes, it can become even more difficult. Though diet and exercise are the “traditional” solutions, adding GLP-1 medications to the mix enhances their results and supports long-term success. At Starkey Medical Esthetics,...

Plumper Lips With Dermal Fillers: All Your Questions Answered Mar 13th, 2025

When it comes to cosmetic enhancements, plump, luscious lips are at the top of the list for plenty of women — and best of all, thanks to dermal fillers, they’re incredibly accessible. Of course, if you’ve never had fillers before, it’s natural to have some questions — and  maybe even...

Elevate Your Skincare Routine with Regular Light Chemical Peels Feb 1st, 2025

Every year, millions of Americans choose skin resurfacing to improve their complexion, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, unclogging pores, and improving the tone and texture of their skin. Chemical peels are a great way to enjoy all these benefits, particularly when used on a regular basis. For...

Tighten, Tone, and Get Rid of Stubborn Fat This Year with Our Noninvasive Body Contouring Solutions Jan 3rd, 2025

Every year, hundreds of thousands of women and men choose noninvasive body contouring to help them get rid of stubborn fat and improve their overall contours. Completely customizable, nonsurgical body contouring requires no anesthesia, no sedation, no sutures, and no prolonged downtime, making it an extremely popular option for improving...

5 Esthetic Treatments to Help Restore Lost Collagen and Revitalize Your Skin Dec 12th, 2024

Saggy, lax skin is an inevitable part of aging, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. Although facelift surgery is certainly one option, today, there are nonsurgical treatments that can tone, tighten, and smooth your skin by promoting collagen development, revitalizing skin without the hassles of...

 Can Laser Hair Removal Eliminate My Need to Shave or Wax Forever? Nov 8th, 2024

Getting rid of unwanted hair is a chore most of us would rather not have to address, or at least not as frequently as we must. The good news: Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative for hair removal — but does it give permanent results? Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers...

Can I Get Botox and Fillers at the Same Time? Oct 14th, 2024

Most people know cosmetic dermal fillers and Botox® help reduce the signs of aging, rejuvenating your complexion while restoring your confidence, too. But when it comes to treatment, what many people don’t know is that they can have both Botox and fillers at the same time — and enjoy even...

What Is Causing My Adult Acne? Sep 19th, 2024

Most of us think of acne as a problem that happens during the teen and preteen years, but acne affects millions of adults, too. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology says rates of adult acne are increasing, particularly among adult women. At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, helps...

Can vTone® Help My Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles? Aug 8th, 2024

When most of us think of muscles, it’s the biceps, triceps, and quadriceps that often come to mind. But our bodies contain “hidden” muscles, too, including the muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles (and ligaments) provide support for pelvic organs, like the bladder, colon, and uterus. If they weaken,...

The Secret to Banishing Hormonal Acne This Summer Jul 22nd, 2024

Summer is a time for getting outside and enjoying time spent with friends and family. It’s also a time of bright sun, extreme heat, and plenty of humidity — each of which can spell trouble for acne-prone skin. Although there’s no foolproof solution to completely eradicating hormonal acne breakouts, you...

 GLPs: Semaglutide and Tirzepetide — Which Weight Management Method Is Better for You? Jun 2nd, 2024

If you’ve struggled to meet your weight loss goals, it’s easy to feel like you just want to give up. But there is some good news: In recent years, two medications traditionally used for diabetes treatment have proven to be effective in helping people lose weight, too. In fact, if...

How to Treat Urinary Incontinence Without Surgery May 20th, 2024

Urinary incontinence (UI) affects about 80 million women in the United States, causing embarrassment and frustration. Although surgery can help some types of incontinence, most women would rather avoid surgery and the risks, downtime, and cost it involves. At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers an array of nonsurgical...

Can I Get a Flatter Belly Without Crunches? Apr 10th, 2024

There’s no doubt that having a flat, toned tummy is something most of us aspire to gain — but sadly, few of us ever attain. In most cases, that’s because achieving a flat belly isn’t easy, even for those who are already at or near their ideal weight. Getting toned...

How Is Morpheus8 Different from Other Microneedling Treatments? Mar 14th, 2024

Microneedling may sound a little nerve-racking, but it’s actually a safe, effective way to rejuvenate your skin without surgery and without downtime. What’s more, topical anesthetics make the treatment surprisingly comfortable — and an ideal choice for nearly anyone looking to help their skin look and feel smoother and more...

 Start Today If You Want a Slimmer Silhouette on Your Summer Wedding Day Feb 7th, 2024

Summer is a really popular time for weddings. In fact, nearly a third of couples tie the knot in the summer months. If you’re one of them, you’re probably deep in the throes of planning right now — and you’re probably more than a little nervous about looking your absolute...

Signs You Could Benefit from Microneedling Jan 10th, 2024

Microneedling has grown in popularity in recent years, thanks to its reputation as a safe, effective treatment for lots of common complexion concerns, including problems that happen more often as we age. But how does microneedling work? And is it a good treatment for your own complexion issues?  At Starkey...

Resolve to Have Less Acne This New Year Dec 18th, 2023

Acne doesn’t just cause physical symptoms — it causes emotional distress, too. In fact, many people who have acne also suffer from depression or anxiety as a result.  Today, there are more options than ever to reduce acne breakouts and improve both your complexion and your confidence. With just a...

Ready to Get Your Prepregnancy Body Back? We Can Help Nov 2nd, 2023

More than 3.6 million babies are born every year in the United States, and that means millions of new moms being enveloped in the joys — and stresses — of motherhood. One of those stresses: the changes that happen to your body during pregnancy — and don’t miraculously clear up...

Head Into Holiday Party Season With No Acne Oct 1st, 2023

As the most common skin condition among Americans, acne causes significant physical symptoms, along with anxiety, depression, and low self-confidence and self-esteem. In fact, the emotional impact of acne can be especially severe during social events, including holiday gatherings and parties. There’s good news though: Acne treatments have significantly improved and expanded...

Help for Psoriasis Sep 6th, 2023

Millions of Americans suffer from psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that happens when your body’s immune system attacks your skin, causing itchy, scaly patches and significant irritation. Though there’s no cure for psoriasis, it can be managed, both with medical therapy and with lifestyle changes.  At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers...

How to Get Natural-Looking Filler Results Aug 2nd, 2023

Dermal fillers are among the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatments in the United States, with millions of treatments performed every year. And why not? Filler treatments are quick, there’s no downtime, and they can yield amazing results in just a single session. Still, if you’ve never had fillers, you might be...

The Anti-Aging Diet: Foods for Youthful Skin Jul 1st, 2023

As your largest organ — and the one that’s repeatedly exposed to damaging radiation and pollution — your skin deserves all the love and attention it can get. Eating a healthy diet is one way you can help your skin stay healthy as you age Michele Meinhart, FNP, and the team at Starkey...

Chemical Peels for Acne Scars: What to Expect Jun 5th, 2023

Acne affects millions of Americans, which makes it the most common skin condition in the US, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Although breakouts can absolutely be embarrassing, many people who have acne find the disease leaves an unpleasant reminder long after the breakouts have stopped: visible acne scars....

Take Your Skincare Routine to the Next Level with Regular Facials May 16th, 2023

Each year in the United States, millions of men and women turn to facials to help them enjoy healthier skin and better complexions. Featuring an array of important skin nutrients, facials are a customizable way to give your skin the support it needs to replenish itself and look its best...

How Does Microneedling Reverse Collagen Loss? Apr 10th, 2023

Lots of factors contribute to aging skin, but one of the biggest causes is a decline in collagen that goes hand-in-hand with getting older. Fortunately, microneedling can help by naturally stimulating collagen production, so you can enjoy firmer, more youthful-looking skin. At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, Michele Meinhart,...

Get the Body You Want in Time for Swimsuit Season with SculpSure Mar 14th, 2023

Swimming is one of the greatest pleasures of summer, and if you don’t swim, hanging around the beach, lake, or pool is a pretty good substitute. For most of us, these activities involve wearing a bathing suit, and if you’re embarrassed by bulges and bumps of stubborn fat, your enjoyment...

Botox vs. Fillers: Which Is Right for My Skin? Feb 15th, 2023

Injectables like Botox® and dermal fillers are the most popular cosmetic treatments in the United States, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, with millions of treatments performed each year. Able to smooth out wrinkles and reduce the signs of aging, it’s no wonder so many people turn to these injectables...

How to Prepare for Permanent Makeup Treatments Jan 9th, 2023

Makeup isn’t just about looking your best — it’s about feeling your best, too. When you wear makeup, you can enhance your best features and downplay your worst, so you feel more confident about your appearance. But even though makeup offers lots of benefits, it can still be a hassle...

Struggling with Stress Urinary Incontinence? Why You Should Consider Empower RF Dec 9th, 2022

Stress incontinence is the most common type of urinary incontinence, affecting as many as a third of women at some point and becoming more common with age. Fortunately, treatments are available that can help. At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, helps women in Salem, Virginia, manage stress urinary incontinence...

3 Skin Concerns Morpheus 8 Can Treat Nov 10th, 2022

When it comes to rejuvenating aging skin, researchers are always seeking the ideal combination of techniques to help skin look and feel smoother, firmer, and more youthful. With Morpheus8®, that perfect combination is here. Women and men in Salem, Virginia, can reap the benefits of Morpheus8 treatment by scheduling a visit with Michele...

The Link Between Your Diet and Acne Oct 11th, 2022

About 50 million Americans are affected by acne, according to data from the American Academy of Dermatology, but even though it’s extremely common, if you have acne, it’s easy to feel like you’re all alone. That’s because acne doesn’t just cause physical symptoms — it causes emotional symptoms, too, including depression, anxiety, low...

Why Are My Pores So Big? Sep 13th, 2022

Your skin is your largest organ, and it performs lots of important functions, including acting as a barrier against germs and other pathogens. Embedded in the surface of your skin are millions of pores, tiny openings that allow your skin to ventilate or “breathe.” Pores contain oil glands and hair...

Causes of Hair Loss in Women Aug 10th, 2022

Most people think of hair loss as primarily an issue affecting men, but hair loss is common among women, too. In fact, it’s estimated that more than half of women will have noticeable hair loss by the time they reach age 50. At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, Michele Meinhart, FNP, helps women...

Where Do Age Spots Come From? Jul 1st, 2022

Virginia may be for lovers, but it’s also for people who love being outdoors. From peaceful parks and state forests to museums and beautiful shorelines, there are plenty of reasons to want to spend as much time outdoors as possible. But there’s one thing Virginians don’t love, and that’s prematurely...

Botox®: Myths to Stop Believing Jun 1st, 2022

Botox® is, by far, the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatment performed in the United States, with millions of men and women turning to the treatment every year. In fact, in 2020, nearly 4.5 million Botox treatments were performed — and that was at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are lots...

5 Popular Beautifying Laser Treatments May 1st, 2022

There was a time not too long ago when lasers were simply the stuff of science fiction. Today, though, lasers are widely used in many fields, including aesthetic medicine.  A skilled nurse practitioner with extensive experience in cutting-edge aesthetic therapies, Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers several laser-based treatments to help patients at Starkey Medical...

How EmpowerRF® by InMode Could Help You Apr 1st, 2022

Urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and a loss of sexual desire are all unfortunate effects of aging for many women. Yet even though these problems are common, many women don’t talk about them — maybe because they’re embarrassed or maybe because they think these problems are “just part of aging.” Actually, all...

Which Filler Is Right for Me? Mar 3rd, 2022

When it comes to popular cosmetic treatments among American women and men, cosmetic fillers are second only to Botox® injections, according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  In fact, well over 3 million filler treatments are performed each year in the United States on both new patients...

What Is This Rash? Could It Be Psoriasis? Feb 1st, 2022

More than 8 million Americans suffer from psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that can take a big toll on your quality of life. Psoriasis won’t go away on its own — it needs special treatment to keep its symptoms under control. Getting that treatment begins with knowing if your rash...

New Year's Resolution: Simplify Your Makeup Routine Jan 6th, 2022

Plenty of women like the way makeup makes them look and feel — but few really enjoy the time-consuming tasks of applying their makeup, touching it up throughout the day, and finally washing it all away in the evening.  At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers permanent makeup to...

Which Level of Chemical Peel Do I Need: Light, Medium, or Deep? Dec 8th, 2021

Chemical peels can be a great way to rejuvenate aging, sun-damaged skin. In fact, they’re so popular, about a million chemical peels are performed each year in the United States, making them the third most popular, minimally invasive cosmetic treatment overall. At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers different...

What Works on Reducing Scars? Nov 9th, 2021

Just about everybody winds up developing a few scars during their lives. Surgeries, injuries, and skin diseases like acne can all leave their marks. For some people, scars are so tiny or so few, they hardly think about them. But for others — including many people who’ve had acne —...

You Don't Have to Live With Acne—Here's How to Get Rid of It Oct 18th, 2021

Most people don’t think of their skin as an organ, but it is — in fact, it’s your largest organ. Every day, it’s subjected to both internal and external factors that can have a direct impact on its health, as well as contribute to medical problems, like acne. Acne is...

The Difference Between Microdermabrasion and a Chemical Peel Sep 6th, 2021

Perfectly smooth, flawless skin rarely happens in nature — and it happens less and less often as we get older. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help, like microdermabrasion and chemical peels. The key is choosing the option that gets you the results you’re seeking. At Starkey Medical Esthetics in...

Using the ABCDE Method to Check Your Moles Aug 18th, 2021

The ABCDE method can help you detect unusual changes in your skin that could be caused by melanoma, so you can get treatment as soon as possible.  Everybody knows that learning the alphabet is the first step in learning to read. But did you know your alphabet can help diagnose...

What Is Vitiligo? Jul 28th, 2021

If your skin tone is a bit uneven or you have the occasional red or blotchy patch, you know how self-conscious you can feel about your appearance. Now imagine losing your skin’s natural pigment — not all over, but in splotches and patches on your face, your hands, or any...

Struggling With Hair Loss? PRP Therapy Can Help Jun 20th, 2021

Hair loss may not be a life-threatening condition, but there’s no denying it can take a major toll on your life and your self-confidence. Millions of Americans suffer from hair loss, and today, many of those men and women are turning to PRP treatments to help restore their hair and...

5 Tips to Protect Your Skin This Summer May 2nd, 2021

The warm, bright summer sun is a welcome change after a gray, cold winter. But as wonderful as that sunshine feels on your skin, it can also cause a lot of damage — including speeding up those signs of aging we’d rather avoid. At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP,...

Help Your Skin Glow With Our Vitagen® Skin Care Products Apr 1st, 2021

Healthy, glowing skin is important for your overall health — and your self-confidence, too. When your skin is healthy, it acts as a barrier to keep harmful germs at bay, while also giving you the sexy, more youthful vibe that looks great at every age. With Vitagen® products from Starkey...

Win the Battle of the Bulge With WarmSculpting by SculpSure Mar 11th, 2021

Dieting and exercising can work wonders for helping you shed those extra pounds. Unfortunately, even after months of dedicated weight-loss efforts, it isn’t uncommon to be left with flab and fat around your belly, thighs, waist, and back. That’s because for many people, those “problem areas” just don’t respond as...

Check Your Moles Using the ABCDE Method Feb 4th, 2021

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, affecting 20% of Americans by the time they reach their senior years. The most serious and deadly type of skin cancer, melanoma, is often associated with moles, and identifying moles that could be cancerous is an important part of...

Are Chemical Peels Safe? Jan 10th, 2021

Chemical peels are quite popular and rank as the third most-performed facial revitalization procedure. Each year, close to 1.5 million chemical peels are conducted to correct a range of skin concerns.  But are they safe? Master esthetician, Michele Meinhart, FNP, at Starkey Medical Esthetics is a leading provider of chemical...

Help! I Have Adult Acne Dec 8th, 2020

Acne is often associated with hormonal teenagers in the throes of puberty. Sadly, though, it also affects a whopping 40-55% of adults. If you’re one of them and you’re struggling with outbreaks of acne, you may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your skin problems.  If you’ve tried nearly everything to...

The Importance of Phytoestrogens Nov 10th, 2020

Phytoestrogens are compounds in plants, like soy, barley, flaxseeds, whole grains, and red clover, that have qualities like estrogen. They are present in many of the foods you eat. Phytoestrogens fasten themselves to cells in place of estrogens, which partially stimulates your cells’ receptors. Though it isn’t as potent as...

Signs You Could Benefit from B12 Injections Oct 1st, 2020

Your body doesn’t make vitamin B12, but it requires it to perform crucial functions, such as making DNA, performing neurological functions, and generating red blood cells. You get it through animal foods, such as eggs, dairy, seafood, poultry, and beef. If you’re like most average adults, you need 2.4 micrograms...

How Hormonal Changes Affect Acne Sep 10th, 2020

Though acne is often associated with the teen years, research at the National Institute for Health shows that an estimated 80% of all people between 11 and 30 suffer from acne outbreaks. It isn’t uncommon to struggle with acne well into your 40s and 50s. Whether you’re a teen going...

4 Benefits of Permanent Makeup Aug 10th, 2020

Chances are you have a drawer full of half-used palettes of eyeshadow, slightly used blush, and a handful of brow pencils in a variety of shades. Conventional makeup is designed to help you enhance your features and outer beauty by contouring, highlighting, defining, camouflaging, and coloring, yet finding your perfect...

What People Love About Lipo-Vibe Body Slimming Treatment Jul 6th, 2020

You eat well and exercise, but no matter how hard you try, you’re still struggling to shed those last few pounds. At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia we offer a range of body contouring options to help you achieve your esthetic goals. One of our most popular services is...

Learn Here if You are a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal Jun 15th, 2020

Laser hair removal is a popular procedure that we perform frequently here at Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia. It’s considered both a medical and cosmetic procedure, though it’s noninvasive and nonsurgical. If you’re considering getting laser hair removal, we break down everything you need to know in this blog....

Am I a Candidate for the Light and Smooth Package? May 20th, 2020

Light energy has long been used in aesthetics to help men and women improve their complexions.  At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, Michele Meinhart, FNP and our knowledgeable team offer several LED light therapy treatments to address a variety of unique skin conditions, including the highly sought-after Light and...

Natural Ingredients that can Lessen the Appearance of Acne Scars Apr 13th, 2020

If you’ve suffered from widespread acne, you may have scars that make you feel self-conscious or embarrassed. At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, we offer a number of effective treatments for acne and the scars or pock marks it can leave behind. Our founder, dermatology specialist Michele Meinhart, FNP,...

Pellevé Can Treat These Skin Conditions Mar 1st, 2020

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that collagen and elastin production slow down as we age. Since those are two of the crucial building blocks of youthful-looking skin, your skin can begin to look tired and time-worn as that production dwindles. Here at Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, we...

Which Type of Chemical Peel is Right For You? Feb 4th, 2020

If you’re looking for a great option to firm and tighten your skin, as well as soften lines and wrinkles, consider having a professional chemical peel.  At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, Michele Meinhart, FNP, is a master esthetician with 22 years of experience helping clients like you with...

Include Regular Dermatology Care With Your Health Routine This Year Jan 10th, 2020

With every new year, there are often resolutions to get healthier. Resolutions usually include plans to diet, exercise, or reduce stress. One thing that often gets ignored, though, is skincare. But if you don’t pay attention to your skin ― which is the largest organ in your body ― you...

What Can I Do About Spider Veins? Dec 1st, 2019

Up to 60 percent of people develop spider veins at some point. While the small red, blue, or purple blood vessels that twist and turn below your skin’s surface aren’t signs of an illness, they can bring about feelings of self-consciousness and physical discomfort. Thankfully, you don’t have to live...

5 Reasons Microneedling Is So Beneficial for Your Skin Nov 1st, 2019

You’ve likely read that one of the most important substances needed to preserve your skin’s smoothness and elasticity is collagen, a protein that we all produce naturally. Unfortunately, collagen production slows way down as we get older.  If you yearn for rejuvenated, tighter, and more even-toned skin, collagen can really...

You Don't Have to Live With Acne — Here's How to Get Rid of It Oct 1st, 2019

Acne is a chronic skin condition, but you don’t have to accept it as part of your life — at any age. Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, it can be extremely frustrating living with pimples nearly every day of your life. Let’s face it: For many women, men,...

Save Time and Feel More Confident With Permanent Makeup Sep 3rd, 2019

Tired of constantly having to retouch your makeup, or of having a “bad makeup day”? You can get rid of your makeup kit for good when you opt for permanent makeup. It’s the ideal way to always have your game face on, whether you just rolled out of bed or...

What Makes PRP So Effective? Aug 2nd, 2019

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that helps your body to heal using its own resources. The name comes from the components of PRP: Platelets are a type of blood cell, and plasma is the liquid component of your blood. You may think of platelets as the blood cells that...

Summertime Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer and Other Sun-Related Skin Issues Jul 1st, 2019

Your skin is your largest organ. It’s also the most exposed. Although protecting your skin from the sun is perpetually important, the increased temperatures and added appeal of outdoor activities summer bring make it particularly important from mid-June to mid-September. Sun exposure can raise your risk of sunspots, excessive wrinkles,...

5 Tips to Prevent Bruising After Botox or Filler Treatments Jun 1st, 2019

At Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, we understand the desire to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin so you can look your best. Michele Meinhart, FNP, and her team of professional aestheticians are certified experts in administering injectable cosmetic procedures, like Botox® and fillers, which...

5 Pigmentation Flaws Easily Remedied with IPL Therapy May 1st, 2019

While aging is unavoidable, having blemished skin is not. With Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy, you can have clear, young looking skin in a matter of weeks. IPL therapy uses light wavelengths to treat a variety of areas. By penetrating the second layer of skin, the visible outer layer receives...

Why SculpSure® Has Such a High Satisfaction Rate Apr 5th, 2019

Do you have unwanted lumps and rolls on your body? Who doesn’t? Even with diet and exercise, it can be hard to get rid of stubborn bulges. Now there’s an easier way to get the body shape you want using SculpSure®, a body contouring procedure using laser technology. At Starkey...

March is a Great Time to Start Laser Hair Removal Treatment: You'll Wonder Why You Waited so Long Mar 5th, 2019

Imagine being able to wear your favorite skirt or bare it all on the beach without worrying about showing unwanted body hair. Our team can make that a reality at Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia. Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers the most advanced aesthetic and dermatology treatments available to keep...