How to Treat Urinary Incontinence Without Surgery

Urinary incontinence (UI) affects about 80 million women in the United States, causing embarrassment and frustration. Although surgery can help some types of incontinence, most women would rather avoid surgery and the risks, downtime, and cost it involves.
At Starkey Medical Esthetics, Michele Meinhart, FNP, offers an array of nonsurgical treatment options for urinary incontinence, helping women find the relief they want without the worries of surgery. Here, learn about the state-of-the-art treatments that could help you.
VTone uses high-intensity electrical muscle stimulation to trigger dozens of tiny contractions in the muscles supporting the vagina and other pelvic organs. The effect is similar to a Kegel exercise, but the frequency of contractions is increased, meaning you can get the effects of many Kegels in just one treatment session.
Electrical energy is delivered via a slim wand that’s designed to insert comfortably into your vagina. Once in place, tiny electrical impulses engage muscles that help support and control your bladder, strengthening the muscles and reducing incontinence symptoms.
Each VTone session takes about a half hour, and most women benefit from a series of six treatments performed over a few weeks. touch-up treatments help maintain results over time.
FormaV also uses a special wand-shaped device to deliver energy waves. Instead of delivering electrical impulses, the FormaV device relies on radiofrequency (RF) energy to improve pelvic muscle tone (and vaginal tone, as well).
RF energy penetrates to the deeper layers of tissue, stimulating a natural healing response along with increased production of strong, supportive collagen fibers. FormaV also improves circulation for tissue remodeling and regeneration.
You can expect your treatment session to take about 20-30 minutes. Most women derive maximum benefits from a series of two to three sessions spaced a few weeks apart.
Morpheus8V is another rejuvenation treatment that uses RF energy to stimulate collagen production and other natural healing responses. Once inserted, the special wand delivers RF energy to deep tissues, promoting collagen development and strengthening the mucosa that support the vagina and help reduce incontinence symptoms.
Each treatment session takes about a half hour, with most women benefiting from five treatments spaced out over several weeks.
Find a solution for your urinary incontinence symptoms
All three of these nonsurgical options can be quite effective in relieving the symptoms of incontinence and improving vaginal tone, as well. Plus, there’s no downtime after your treatment, making it easy to fit your appointments into even the busiest schedule.
If you’re struggling with the embarrassment and discomfort of urinary incontinence, we can help. To learn more about these nonsurgical treatment options, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Starkey Medical Esthetics in Salem, Virginia, today.
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