5 Reasons Microneedling Is So Beneficial for Your Skin

You’ve likely read that one of the most important substances needed to preserve your skin’s smoothness and elasticity is collagen, a protein that we all produce naturally. Unfortunately, collagen production slows way down as we get older.
If you yearn for rejuvenated, tighter, and more even-toned skin, collagen can really be a game-changer. Believe it or not, there’s an exciting way to stimulate collagen production that you might not even know about, and we offer it right here at Starkey Medical Esthetics.
Family nurse practitioner and esthetician extraordinaire Michele Meinhart uses her specialized training in dermatology while investing considerable time in getting to know you as a both a patient and an individual. She feels passionate about helping patients with their skin problems, and the goals you set together will become your personalized treatment plan.
If you decide you want to pursue cosmetic treatment, microneedling could help you achieve the results you’re looking for.
What is microneedling?
Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure during which Michele uses a small handheld roller to make many tiny pin pricks on your face. These nearly invisible punctures activate your body’s own regenerative process, so your collagen production bumps up in an effort to heal the very small wounds.
Microneedling is a superstar treatment when it comes to obtaining a more youthful look. It’s patient-friendly too. A few of its benefits:
- Minimally invasive
- Brief treatments
- Minimal side effects/discomfort
- No post-treatment downtime
The beauty of microneedling is that these treatments partner with your own natural healing process to get your desired result: smoother, more resilient skin.
Five great things microneedling does for your skin
You’ll be amazed at all the skin issues microneedling can solve, which are due to the systemic healing it provokes:
- Because of its revitalizing properties, the collagen production brought about by microneedling gives your skin more tautness, allowing it to bounce back more easily.
- Skin tone issues are often the result of small injuries, sun damage, and other age-related challenges. Microneedling evens out your skin tone because when your “new,” post-treatment skin reveals itself, the clock is reset, so to speak.
- Since collagen plumps the skin, microneedling is successful in reducing the appearance of raised acne scars.
- Like water being poured onto the cracked desert earth, microneedling spurs your skin to fill in the gaps created by fine lines and wrinkles.
- Age spots, otherwise known as hyperpigmentation, are also banished with the use of microneedling. The treatments cause your face to shed its old, flawed layer and begin anew, sans spots.
Microneedling is a true dermatological multi-tasker and is now even being used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. More is being learned each day about its myriad uses.
Find out if you’re a candidate for microneedling
If you’re in good overall health, you’re probably good to go when it comes to microneedling, and the benefits will astound you.
Take the first step toward a more youthful you by calling our Salem office to schedule a consultation, or simply book one online.
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